Exercises for Osteopenia
Introduction by Joan to Part 2 of her new series, The Best Exercises for Osteoporosis Prevention
If you've been diagnosed with osteopenia, you can work to maintain bone density and may even be able to reverse loss of bone density through exercise. But first...
What is osteopenia?
Osteopenia is low bone density as measured in a bone density test, and is sometimes referred to as “pre-osteoporosis”. While lower than normal density, osteopenia is not low enough bone loss to be osteoporosis. It is considered a risk factor for osteoporosis but does not always lead to it.
The bone density test measures the amount of mineral (calcium) in the areas of the skeleton most vulnerable to fracture: the spine, hip, and wrist. Forty percent of fractures occur in the vertebrae of the spine, 25 percent in the hip, and 15 percent in the wrist. A diagnosis of osteopenia is a wake-up call to strengthen these areas, offset bone loss, and prevent fractures before they occur.
There are many safe exercises for osteopenia, including modifications of the best exercises for osteoporosis prevention. The emphasis shifts from high impact exercise to low impact, applying more moderate stress to the bones to protect vulnerable joints.
Exercises for osteopenia
Resistance is the key factor in both types of exercise for osteopenia
Weight bearing, low impact cardio exercise
Weight training with caution to protect the joints
What is included in weight bearing exercises?
Weight bearing refers to standing exercises where you are resisting the force of gravity. To avoid jarring the spine or other vulnerable joints, switch to low impact cardio activities, those where one foot is always on the ground (as opposed to high impact where both feet are off the ground).
Weight bearing, low impact cardio exercises for osteopenia
Walking and treadmill walking
Cross-country skiing and ski machines
Elliptical trainers
Stair climbers
Weight training for osteopenia
Weight training can help preserve bone density and offset bone loss by applying resistance to the muscles which also stimulates the bones. The resistance may be bodyweight or external resistance like free weights, stretch bands and tubes, weighted balls and weight machines.
However, it’s important to use less resistance when working joints that are at risk for fracture, like the spine, hips, and wrists. Lift lighter weights for 10-12 exercises that target the major muscle groups (legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms and core) with 10-15 repetitions per exercise. One set is enough to develop and maintain strength, but 2-3 sets will deliver more benefit.
Examples of safe exercises for working the spine, hip, and wrist:
One-arm row
Chair Squat
Push up
One-arm row
It’s important to work all the muscles of the back In order to target the spine from different angles. The one-arm row works the largest back muscle, the latissimus dorsi, to strengthen the spine, improve posture, and create shape and definition in the torso.
Stand in a staggered lunge position.
Bend forward from the hip to 45 degrees with the spine straight.
Hold a weight directly under the shoulder in the hand opposite the front leg.
Draw shoulder blade in towards the spine and exhale as you pull the weight up to the rib cage.
Inhale, lower the weight back to starting position and repeat.
Do 10-15 reps each side.
One-arm row: Weight training exercise for osteopenia - Video 1
The squat is the #1 exercise for life, the most functional movement that we need to get up from a seated position, from the toilet, from the bath tub. It engages the large muscles of the lower body - the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings - and strengthens the hip bone (femur). The first variation of the squat is the Chair squat. Master it before moving on to more advanced versions.
Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair, legs parallel, slightly wider than hip width apart, knees bent at 90 degrees.
Move feet back several inches behind knees, cross arms over chest, and lean forward with the spine straight.
Exhale and squeeze the glutes in the buttocks as you press through your feet to stand up.
Straighten knees (without locking them) at the end of the movement to come to a fully upright position.
Pause, then slowly sit back down.
Begin by doing one set of 10-15 reps, and progress to doing 3 sets.
Squat: Weight training exercise for osteopenia - Video 2
Push up
The push up is a very efficient movement that engages three major muscles of the upper body -the chest, shoulder and triceps (in the back of the upper arm)- and is weight-bearing through the wrist. The position of your arms determines which muscle you target. You can do a pushup standing parallel to a wall, on a diagonal at the kitchen sink, or on the floor from your knees or your toes.
For a kneeling pushup, kneel on the floor, wrists slightly forward of the shoulders, and 3-4” wider than shoulder width apart. (An exercise mat will help if the floor surface is not cushioned.)
Cross ankles and lift lower legs.
Drop the hips and shift weight forward onto your arms so there is no direct pressure on your kneecaps.
Keep spine straight from shoulder to hip to knee.
Inhale and bend elbows out to the side to form a box as you slowly lower your chest to the floor.
Exhale as you straighten arms and push up to the start position.
Begin with one set of 10-15 reps and build up to two sets.
Push up: Weight training exercise for osteopenia - Video 3
See related posts with videos: Exercises for Osteopenia of the Hip, Exercises for Osteopenia of the Spine, and Wrist Strengthening Exercises for Osteopenia
What activities should you avoid if you have osteopenia?
Some exercises and activities overload fragile bones, especially the vertebrae of the spine. As you round the back forward or twist at the waist, you may fracture these bones. Therefore, use caution when:
reaching down
bending forward
twisting rapidly at the waist
lifting heavy objects
jarring your spine with impact
doing anything that increases your chances of a fall
Osteopenia is diagnosed with a bone density test , which measures the amount of mineral in your bone to determine how strong it is. It is covered by Medicare after age 65.
For younger women, a bone density test may be appropriate depending on their risk factors for osteoporosis.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this article should not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace consultation with your physician or healthcare provider.